Summer Camp

Cortland Bible Camp

    Campers’ days are filled with fun and fellowship.  Activities challenge campers to grow in skill, knowledge and faith.  Fun games, swimming in our pool, and cooking over a campfire are favorites that everyone will enjoy while campers can also choose from activities like fishing, paintball, archery,drama, Arts & Crafts Geo-Caching and camp store.

    Our trained counselors take opportunities throughout the day to remind campers of the lessons they are learning from God’s Word in morning Devotions ,morning bible class, evening vespers and nightly cabin devotions as they work to ensure a safe and loving atmosphere.We hire committed Christian staff who are ‘prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks for the reason for the hope that they have’ and are eager to share how Jesus has changed their lives and to live out their faith in front of the campers in all situations. Our staff are trained to make all children feel welcome and safe at camp, sharing Christ’s love at all times.

Summer Camp 2024

Are You Thirsty?

Each one of us try’s to quench our earthly thirst with things, power, and money. While looking at the story of King David we will see the one thing that can truly quench our thirst Jesus the Living Water.     

Teen/Youth Week:Our traditional overnight camp. With loads of fun games and activites, with daily Bible and achievement classes (achery, swimming, fishing, arts and crafts, geocacheing,ect…)

Buddy Discount: Register for youth week 1 and both you your buddy get $30 off!

Day Camp: Campers join with daily camp schedule and are part of  a cabin and team along with overnight campers. Day arrival begins at 8 am, dismissal time is based on family needs. Drop off and pick up at the dining hall.

Mini Camp: This two day experiance is taste of camp for campers that are not quite ready for a full week of camp. Campers will have chance to sample all that camp has to offer (day camp option is also availble for mini camp).

Outpost: A week for those who like to rough it and camp out. Campers stay in a lean-to and hammocks, cook meals over a fire, hike, and practice out door camping and sruvial skills. part of the day is also spent participating in main-camp activites like archery and swimming.



Summer Camp Schedule


Summer 2024 Camp Dates Ages
Mini Week June 30-July 2 6-8
Youth Week 1* July 7-12 8-13
Youth Week 2* July 14-19 8-13
Youth Week 3* July 21 – 26 8-13
Youth Week 4* July 28 -Aug 2 8-13
Teen Week* Aug 4-9 13-17
Girls Outpost  July 14-19 10-14
Boys Outpost July 21 – 26 10-14

*Day Camp option available 

Full Week Overnight Camp

-Before May 1st-$325

(Free T-shirt before May 1st and $10 store credit before April 1st)

-After May 1st-$375

Day or Mini Camp

-Before May 1st-$230

(Free T-shirt before May 1st and $10 store credit before April 1st)

-After June 1st-$250

Health Form 

Packing List

Confirmation Packet

Counselors Needed !!!